This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 9:37 am and is filed under Interview. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
15.11.2011 Post in Interview
Today we had true pleasure of learning more interesting facts about charming, gorgeous beauty Francesca Ferretti who takes the best after her Italian and Chinese relatives. She is the one to be titled Miss October 2011! We heartily wish her success, new achievements and of course victory in Miss Insta Asia 2012 beauty contest! Stay with us – be part of the world of beauty and enchantment with the best broker in Asia!
IFX: Had you happened to take part in such contests before?
FF: I have never participated in an online beauty contest, but I have participated in one beauty pageant before.
IFX: How is your trading on Forex going? What have you achieved?
FF: As of now, I am not yet on the stage of trading yet. I am a very very beginner. Learning Forex is a hobby of mine right now but I would love to eventually have the time to fully immerse myself in Forex. I am currently trying to learn the fundamentals and terms of Forex.
IFX: What do your relatives and friends say about your striving to be a trader?
FF: They do not know much about Forex, but I am striving to open their eyes on a new world of making profits. My relatives and friends are supportive of my interests.
IFX: You have a truly charming name. It is just as gorgeous as you are. Do you think a name can influence a destiny?
FF: Aww thank you so much for the sweet compliment. I really don’t beleive that a name can influence a person’s destiny because a destiny is only built through your actions and your strive to become a better person.
IFX:. What did you want to become as a child?
FF: As a child I had two dreams. Due to my love of music, a dream of mine was to become a singer. Also, my biggest role models past and present are Mother Theresa and Princess Diana. Growing up I have always admired their sense of love to change the world and help everyone who is in need. I strive to follow in their footsteps every day of my life. They are the type of women I admire, and I admire the way they are respected througout the world.
IFX: Your answers to the questionnaire suggest that you love children. How many would you like to have?
FF: Yes, I indeed have a deep love for children. Maybe I just have a motherly nature, but my whole life I have always found a close relationship and connection with children. I have that instinct and feeling inside that makes me want to help children and make a positive impact on their lives. I do not really have an exact number of children that I would like to have, but I know I would like to have at least a few. Every child is a blessing, and I will be so greatful to have some of my own one day
IFX: What qualities do you want the father of your children have?
FF: The qualities that I want the father of my children to have resembles the qualities that are in my own father. I can honestly say that my father has played a big impact in my life for his support, love, and dedication in being such a wonderful father. My father has always been self-sacrificing, and has made his family his number one priority. He has also provided me with such a magical childhood. My father would take me to Rovanemi Finland to see Santa Claus, and would try to make each holiday and non-holiday so special. I would like my future husband and father of my children to show that kind of love to my own children.
IFX: In the questionnaire you specified that you like travelling. What place you have been to turned out to be the most impressive?
FF: I find the world to be such an interesting and culturally stimulating place. I feel like every place is unique and special in their own way and it is hard to pick just one place that has impressed me. If I had to choose one though, I would probably have to choose Finland. I have been there a couple times in my lifetime during Christmas it has always brought out the inner child in me. As a child visiting there was always so magical. Staying on the Artic circle, riding reindeer, watching the northern lights, learning about the Finnish culture was so interesting and fascinating as a child. Growing up, I would have to say it was my favorite place to go to.
IFX: What place do you dream to travel to most?
FF: I would love to travel to Fiji. I have seen pictures and videos and it looks absolutely breathtaking. I am a huge fan of sunshine, warm weather, beaches, and crystal blue water. Fiji would definitely be a place where I can escape and have an adventure on a new and exciting island.
IFX: What is the starting point of making the world better, to your mind?
FF: To me you can’t just change the world and make it better all at once. I strongly believe that the starting point is to show one random act of kindness at a time. I do strive on making the world better but I know I cannot do it by myself. I feel like If everyone just starts off by being more generous, a little more caring and helpful we can actually make the world a little better. I feel like many people forget that all of us live in this world. Too many times people just look at what is around them and do not see that despite ethnicity, color, religion, we are all supposed to work together. You cannot always depend on someone else and expect them to do something, but I know that I can depend on me, and If I take that step to help people and make a difference, I know that I am doing all that I can to make this world better.
IFX: What personal characteristics seem to you to be the most essential?
FF: Compassion and Dedication are personal characteristics that I find to be most essential. You need compassion to love and help others and you need dedication to acheive your goals, become the person you want to be, and fulfill your successes.
IFX: What personal qualities do you consider to be the most negative?
FF: I beleive that people who are selfish and not humble have negative qualities.
IFX: In the questionnaire you wrote that you can play the piano. Do you create your own melodies or tend to play the music composed by others?
FF: I would love to eventually create my own melodies, however I play music composed by others.
IFX: What is your favorite tune to play?
FF: As a child I learned to play fur elise. Even to this day I enjoy playing this piece. It is enjoyable to listen to and it is a true classic.
IFX: You definitely have every chance to become Miss Insta Asia 2012. If you become the winner, who will be the first you tell this happy news to?
FF: Thank you for the compliment. If I do become the winner, the first I would tell the happy news to would be my family and my boyfriend. I am very close to my family so they are typically the first to know everything about me. Also my boyfriend and I are going to start a foundation. I told my boyfriend that If I do win this contest, I would like to put some of the money toward the charity so I can start the foundation. Just like any business, you always need to start somewhere and sometimes starting out can be the hardest thing to do. I am planning to build a foundation that helps children in need over the world. My future goals would be that my foudation would be big enough and that I will have the resources to help millions of children around the world. However, at this present moment the money from the contest will be used to help children on a smaller scale until I am able to build up funds that influence children internationally.
Added by Denis Grigoriev,
InstaForex PR-manager